Prog.PhD STI
Adm. – Grad.2017 – 
Dir.; Codir.Stéphane Gagnon

BTM Standards Integration within Talent Management Processes: An Ontology Engineering Approach

Elgebli, Jamal

Context: The e-Recruitment process has become an essential functionality in electronic Human Resource Management (eHRM). It allows to minimize the search time and provide best recruitment services. In essence, Curriculum Vitae (CV) is crucial in the recruitment process.

Problem: Many researches have discussed the use of several standards, such as HR-XML and ontologies with the aim of solving various problems and providing enhancement for automatic and optimized CV processing. However, the lack of a generic CV standard has negatively affected the efficiency of the e-Recruitment process.

Objectives: To address this lack, we propose to develop a more generic CV model that allows flexible reuse and conforms to competency models. We use Business Technology Management (BTM) discipline with its formal learning outcomes and competency standards as a framework to apply and validate our approach.

Methodology: We test our new XML standard by enabling systems integration of Talent Management processes in eHRM applications. We build upon existing professional credentials in XML and XMI and integrate them to automate the exchange and validation of data as per BTM standards published as services.

Outcome: The main outcome of this research is to promote job descriptions reuse and CV data interoperability automating several e-Recruitment and management tasks.